


Vespa mandarinia japonica (Japanese giant hornet) - オオスズメバチ

りかのおべんきょうでオオスズメバチを2ひきかい始めました。 どちらも女王で、とてもかわいいです。 たいせつにしたいとおもいます。I started to keep 2 Japanese giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia japonica), called "Osuzumebachi" in Japanese. They ar…

Is the conjugate of a dense and continuous embedding a dense and continuous one as well?

I make a note about the title because it took a hard time finding a proof. This topic relates to an abstract Wiener space in the Malliavin calculus.Proposition. Let be a real separable Banach space and be a real separable Hilbert space emb…